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[1] Finding the Keys of Elsewhere                       WC/85K                                 [Ages 8-12; Grades 3-6]



~MG Historical Fantasy Novel/ A Ghost Story/In Revision     



[2] Blue Moon Shivers                                        WC/60K                                 [Ages 8-12; Grades 3-6]



~MG Magical Realism/In Revision



[3] The Skinny on Lenny McKinney                    WC/25+K                                 [Ages 7-10; Grades 2-5]



~Chapter Book/Realistic Fiction/Stand Alone With Series Potential/Complete



[4] When Brave Women March                          WC/22,000                                [Ages 8-12; Grades 3-6]


~MG Fictional Novel-in-Verse with Historical Characters



[5] Godfrey Goodhue, Ghost Busting Guru         WC/55,000                                [Ages 8-12; Grades 3-6]

~MG Fantasy/Ghost Story



Current Complete Work in Query/Middle Grade


[1]   The Sea of Violets:                                    WC/60K                                    [Ages 8-12, Grades 3-6]

       A Ghost Story of Lost and Found                                                                                      


~MG Historical Fantasy Novel/Complete



Current Work in Progress/MG


[1] Tales of a Wimpy Dragon                                                                             [Ages 8-12; Grades 3-6]


~ MG Fantasy




Current Work in Progress/Young Adult      


 PLUCKED                                                                                                         [YA]


~YA Supernatural Fiction Intertwined with Non-fictional Info



~YA Poetry


[1] Synchronicity


[2] Flight


[3] The Color of Forbidden Tenure


[4] March of the Brave





Completed Manuscripts  [PB-Completed]


[1]  Under the Carolina Moon: An Alphabet of Outer Banks Littoral Lore   [NF]


[2]  The Legend of the Horse that Wore a Wedding Bonnet    [local legend]


[3] Something's Wrong in Boos Ville  [Magical]



Short Fiction [Completed] 


[3]  The Magic of Forever                                                         


[4]  The Secret in Miss Nell's Garden                                         


[5]  Dilly Dally Duncan  


[6]  The Monster Bash                                                              


[7]  Monsterlicious Idolicious                                                    


[8]  Penny Pigeon's Perch                                                       


[9]  Tell Us a Story, Miss Barlow                                                


[10] Dawn Fairy                                                                        


[11] Hey, Got Happy?                                                                  


[12] Huckleberry Heaven                                                            


[13] Priscilla's Almost Perfect Pepper Patch                                


[14] Big Monster, Little Ghost                                                    


[15] The Ducks and the Crocodile                                              


[16] The Creature in the Room Next to Emma's                         


[17] How Geoffrey Ghost Shut Down Boogie Boo's Boutique


[18] Dragon Slayers Don't Take Naps! 


[19] If You Wish Upon a Shooting Star


[20] Rainbow Ribbons


[21] Ele-Fan-Tina, Ballerina


[22] Goodnight, Donovan Day



Current PB WIP


Know Your Dragons, A-Z                                                         



Children's Poetry [Completed]


[1] Rocking Robots    Highlights High Five Children's Magazine [Publication date: 2/2018]


[2] Walking Poems


~A Spooky Walk      ~A Happy Walk       ~A Sad Walk       ~A Switcheroo Walk


[3] Ode to Virginia Dare


[4] Blackbeard's Song


[5] Lilly Leigh, Leaf Detective


[6] Cool Cats


[7] Marjory, Marjory Leigh 


[8] Lulu Luzuka 


[9] Bubba, Bubba Big Boy


[10] Ryan Rhinoceros


[11] A Winter Surprise


[12] Betsy's Buckles


[13] A Winter Surprise





Short Stories [Complete]


[1] Harriet Hassle, Girl Detective [The Case of the Invisible Room Wrecking Slobs]          


[2] Emma's Dilemma


[3] Trudy's Tea Table



Twisted Fairy Tale [Complete]


[1] Wiley B. Goat and the Troll Bros 1st, 2nd, & 3rd      






Emma's Dream Box: Probabilities & Possibilities!


Story with Mixed Media Illustrations



















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